কাঠ মিউজ অ্যাপ্লিকেশন লগের কাঠ এবং কাঠের পাইলগুলি পরিমাপের জন্য একটি পরিমাপের সরঞ্জাম
The Wood Meas app is a measurement tool for measuring logs, lumber, and wood piles.
App functions:
- making calculations of wooden logs measurements
- making calculations of lumber measurements
- making calculations of woodpiles measurements
- creating bundles of logs, lumber and piles
- generating reports for bundles in the form of spreadsheets (xls) and pdf documents
- converting bundle sizes into monetary units
- m>making calculations of measurements in the metric system (centimeter [cm], meter [m] = 100cm) and imperial (inch [in], foot [ft] = 12in) / 1m3 = 35,315 x 1FT3
- creating notes for bundles