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Sweden Newspapers gives you easy access to read the most popular news sources in Sweden on your Android device. Take this free app with you and stay informed with access to the latest news from Sweden, like sports news to tech news, politic news, social news, financial and business news.
The major newspapers provided:
Expressen, Fria Tider, Aftonbladet, Göteborgs-Posten, Samhällsnytt, SvD, SVT, Omni, Nyheter 24, DI, DN, Google Nyheter, Privata Affärer, Metro, IDG, Sydsvenskan, Helsingborgs Dagblad, Sveriges Radio,, Södermanlands Nyheter, NA, Hallands Nyheter, Smålandsposten,, The Local, Norran, Uppsala Nya Tidning,,, Dagens Media, TTELA, Morgonbladet, Sundsvalls Tidning, Västerbottens-Kuriren, Borås Tidning, ÖP,, Blogg, iFokus,, Blekinge Läns Tidning, Sydöstran, ...
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