"SittingPosture CHEKCER প্লাস" শারীরিক হেলে পড়া ডিগ্রী প্রদান করে.
Would you like to check your posture ?
Set the marks at the positions which are forehead, chin, ear, shoulder, chest, hip, knee and ankle, and tap the "OK" . You can get the angles as shown below.
- face : the tilt angle of face line from the vertical line
- neck : the tilt angle of neck line from the horizontal line
- back : the angle that shoulder-chest-hip make
- hip : the angle that shoulder-hip-knee make
- knee : the angle that hip-knee-ankle make
This application has the camera with a sprit level. Therefore you can get a straight photograph !
Of course you can save a result as a JPEG format.