শিব Linga, Bilva, ChandraSekara রুদ্র, KasiVishwanatha & Aparatha প্রার্থনা.
This App contains: Audio with Lyrics in Hindi, English and Telugu
1. Shivashtakam
2. Lingashtakam
3. Bilvashtakam
4. Rudrashtakam
5. Chandrashekara Astakam
6. Vishwanatha Astakam
7. Aparatha Kshama Prarthana
Lord Shiva is easily pleased and grants boons to his devotees frequently which means if we love him and worship him,and even if we have some defects and weaknesses, we can be sure of his love and compassion.
To worship Lord Shiva, priest is not required. We can pray Him in our own heart and offer Him anything with love and He listens to our prayers directly.
Lord Shiva destroys our sufferings, the poison of human life, and removes from us impurities such as ignorance, pride, egoism, delusion and attachment to facilitate our spiritual growth.
For the devotees of Lord Shiva here is a collection of Lord Shiva Prayers. Devotees seeking blessings of Lord Shiva must recite Shiv Prarthana with sincerity and faith.