চাপ ত্রাণ ভালভ মাপবদল ক্যালকুলেটর প্রো সংস্করণ
The Pressure Relief Valve Sizing Calculator application is used for calculation sizing of a pressure relief used in refineries, chemical facilities and related industries to able to vent any source of liquid, vapor, steam so that the pressure within the protected apparatus cannot exceed the maximum allowable over pressure. Sizing for vapor, liquid and steam relief largely follows the API RP 520 procedures. API RP 520 also outlines the procedures to design a relief valve for two-phase flow.
• Calculate pressure relief valve sizing for liquid, vapor, steam and two-phase flow (Type 1: Saturated liquid and vapor enter the PRV and flash. No noncondensable gas is present. Type 2: Highly subcooled liquid and noncondensable gas, condensable vapor, or both enter the PRV and the liquid does not flash. Type 3: Subcooled liquid enters the PRV and flashes. No condensable vapor or noncondensable gas is present.).
• Calculate the required sizing area, orifice sizing, pressure relief valve capacity
• Fluids can be selected from the list or custom properties fill for calculation the sizing of a pressure relief valve of vapor
• The unit of mass flow, volume flow, pressure, temperature, density can be selected.