Pinoffer is your loyalty app for your favorite brands & Access nearby offers
Now enjoy our all-new Loyalty experience!
Pinoffer is your loyalty wallet app for all your favorite brands, easily save/spend your cashback, and get access to exclusive customized offers near your location. Enjoy the new design with a fresh interface that’s far simpler, cleaner, more modern and relevant than ever
* Collect cashback from all your favorite brands in one place not a slow-growing point
* Navigate quickly and easily pay directly with a pinch on the screen
* Enjoy offers, promotions from your favorite brands closer to where you actually are
* Easily calculate & keep track of what you spend & earn for your favorite brands
* Sign in swiftly and more securely with two-factor authentication
* We respect your advertiser id settings and you can always reset it, following the steps indicated in the privacy section
* Receive personalized offers from your favorite brands where ever you are going
* Provide your feedback get cashback in return and better service in the coming visit
* No need to carry/check on all those loyalty cards before going to shop
* Access your receipts and transactions
* Use contact us to instantly message your feedback to us and we promise to enhance
* Ask the Cashier for your Cashback.
* Download Pinoffer.
* Get your cashback immediately and enjoy the enhanced loyalty experience!