Pashto Dictionary help you to search English words meaning in pashto.
Pashto dictionary is 100% Free Offline is very useful contain about 40,000 word of all educational fields. It has embedded pashto fonts which doesn't require any additional pashto feature on your mobile device. Its just smooth and free of headache. The vocabulary is constantly being updated time by time.
Are you studying English and you want to know the meaning in real pashto font and if you are studying pashto and you want to know it in English then this application would really helpful for you . A complete offline English to pashto and pashto to English Dictionary.
Features .If you are worry about your grammer u can easily achieve your goal and English Pashto dictionery will give you full support.Explore the most usefull English to urdu dictionery contains almost every English word with urdu translation powered by fast searching and easy navigation.
Word spelling, using Text-To-Speech module can speak the word searched words.
English to pashto
Work Offline just need to install it.
- Fast Searching for English words
- Complete Solution for Every age person
- English Words Pronunciation
- Create Bookmark words list
With a really simple layout and friendly user
Word spelling, using Text-To-Speech module .