Mini SGBD (DBMS) Performs commands in the SQL language by command line.
MiniSGBD Execute SQL (DBMS), is an educational application to assist or learn the SQL language. The application runs the basic SQL commands through a command-line interface (Terminal), commands and queries are basically a first-time view with MySQL when executed by the command line. The data is saved and can be queried, also have a list of previous commands executed. Here is a list of possible operations.
create database world;
use world;
show databases;
show tables;
create table people (id integer primary key not null, name varchar(40));
describe people;
insert into people values (1, 'Jhon');
select * from people;
select id, name from people;
select, from table as t1 join table as t2 on =;
select all from people order by id;
select * from people where id = 1 and name like '%jho%';
delete from people where id = 1 and ... or ...;
update people set name = 'Jack' where id = 1 and ...;
drop table people;
drop database world;
Type data = [integer, double, char, varchar(xx), date yyyy-mm-dd]
Type data = [null, not null, unique, primary key]
Exit the program = [exit ou quit]
Help = [help; ou h; ou ?;] for help.