Which pictures are liked the most? Who like you the most and who never does?
Which of your pictures are liked the most? Who like you the most? Who never like your pictures? Find out now!
Your Instagram™ MediaAnalyser! Get Account Insight with this multi-functional app!
The application gives you the analysis of your Instagram™ account, providing the following features:
✓ Likemeter - your most liked pictures
✓ Likers - people who like you the most
✓ Ghost Followers - people who never liked your pictures within the given period of time (currently only for users having less than 2500 followers
✓ Account Information - total number of likes received for a given period and much more...
The application also provides short information about the number of your:
✓ followers
✓ & followings
How to:
❶ Sign in using your Instagram™ credentials (auth is used, secure)
❷ Navigate through the menu and choose a time interval
❸ Investigate your most liked media and your most liking fans...
Trouble signing in? Then do the following:
❶ Open the original instagram app
❷ Navigate to any picture - like or comment
❸ Go back to our app and try again...
An app with beautiful design, multi processing features is waiting for you...
Disclaimer: this app is by no means affiliated to Instagram™.