Ramadan 2017 special juice and milkshake recipes
Fresh juices, milkshakes and smoothie are vital for any human being. They provide essential vitamins and minerals to our human body. In this APP you can watch fresh fruit juice recipes in HD quality videos. We have collected few top juice recipe videos from popular sources. In this Ramadan (Ramzan) make these fresh juices for IFTARI time and kill your thirst. This is a special gift for Ramadan 2017 as these smoothie recipes are easy to make and fun to drink.
1. Apple Banana Smoothie
2. Mint Lime Juice
3. Fresh Strawberry Juice
4. Pineapple Juice
5. Fresh Apple Juice
6. Lemonade Juice
WATCH HD videos for milkshakes and fresh juices. If you want to suggest anything, email us at taimoors644@gmail.com