The Gluten Free Food Barcode Scanner that puts users in control of the data!
This is the only Gluten Free Scanner app that puts users in control of the data. All the data in this app is community sourced. You are in control! If you disagree with the result of a scan, you have the power to change it. If you are the first person to scan an item, please answer a question or two about it. Other gluten free users will thank you for helping to make the data more accurate.
There are hundreds of ingredients that contain gluten, and not all of them are obvious. With this app, you simply scan the barcode and see instantly if a food contains gluten!
- Barcode scanner
- Easy to read "yes" or "no" result.
- The ability to update a result by disagreeing with it
- And pictures of monkeys (obviously)
- That's it! Super easy.
This app is completely free and fully functional!
Enjoy! :-)