This apps was develop to teach you how to take a better picture and tricks.
This apps was develop to teach you how to take a better picture and tricks. Smartphone camera quality has enjoyed a big leap forward in quality over the past couple years. Even now camera on smartphone has more megapixels than before.
So do you know how to take a properly a good picture? Rest assured this apps will teach you a beginner level photography. You did a great jobs on take picture? want to brag about it? this apps will go directly to Instagram which is contain a challenge about a good picture that posted by people around the world for challenge.
This apps contain :
1) Useful Smartphone camera tips.
2) Fact about smartphone camera.
3) Picture example by developer.
4) Tricks video that linked to YouTube.
5) Photography occasions.
6) Challenge on Instagram.
Hope you guys like this apps, this my first apps develop by me for my final year project, thank you (°∀°)b