Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB App) - The No. #1 rssb app with amazing features
The main rssb app features are listed below
- Radha soami Shabad - Rssb Shabad Mp3 and Video
- Radha soami Satsang - Rssb Satsang Video in Mp4
- Radha soami Image - Rssb Official images
- Upcoming Radha Soami satsang - Stay updated with upcoming rssb satsang
- Radha soami books - Rssb Books in pdf format
- Radha Soami Quotes - User upload and Admin uploaded quotes
- Radha Soami Spiritual Link in Pdf format
- Radha Soami Sakhi - rssb sakhi in hindi
- Admin and User uploaded Stories
- Radha Soami Question and Answers ( Rssb Q & A is available in mp3 and Mp4 format)
Download the rssb app and enjoy the all the features completely FREE
Radha swami satsang beas (in Hindi it known as राधा स्वामी सत्संग ब्यास) app specially designed and developed for the Rssb Followers.
With this app followes can stay update and motivate themselves towards the God
Note: All the images in the radha soami app are used from the official website of Radha soami satsang beas (https://www.rssb.org/photographs.php). The content which is against the sanmat it means it also against our app also. We are strictly followed the guidelines from the Dera Beas.
In later Version
We will give you ability to download radha soami satsang beas shabad & radha soami satsang beas video/ radha soami video download (राधा स्वामी सत्संग ब्यास विडियो) to your phone.
About Rssb
RSSB was established in India in 1891 and gradually began spreading to other countries. It is a non-profit organization with no affiliation to any political or commercial organizations.
About Baba Gurinder Singh Ji
Baba Gurinder Singh was born in 1954. His family is from a traditional agricultural community of Punjab, India. He was named by his predecessor as spiritual head of RSSB in 1990. As with his predecessors, he has dedicated his life to serving the Society and guiding its members on the spiritual path