Updated files "Resources for prayer" of the Almudí Library
The application is limited to updating files "Resources for prayer and preaching," www.almudi.org free service.
These resources are gathered in a library, which provides links between documents considered useful for prayer and preaching that can be found freely on the network. Use the pdb format, to "jump" from one file to another, so it takes for now the iSilo program, both foreign www.almudi.org as this application.
Those who have subscribed to this service receive a monthly email with links to download the update files that have changed (p. Eg., Sto interventions. Father).
The application does not open documents or allow work with them. Simply checks for a file that is not updated, and if the user wishes, so download everything you do "Library Sync" is to avoid the process of manually download each of these files every month to the working folder.