Ball Puzzle Pro Version, Roll The Ball, Classic Puzzle Game for Everyone.
Ball Puzzle Pro Version, Roll The Ball -- Classic Puzzle Game for Everyone. Exercise the flexibility of your hands and brain. Let's get started.
How to Play?
Just Roll the Ball into the target hole, that's it! You have to adjust your device to make sure the ball go toward the right direction.
How many Levels does this game have?
Actually, more levels would be added in the future.
We have Beginner mode, Medium mode, Hard mode.
For Beginner mode, there are a few levels, which are very easy;
As for Medium and Hard mode, they both have several level folders.
Currently, there are 3 level folders:
1. Char folder contains 40 levels;
2. Shape folder contains 28 levels;
3. Chinese folder contains 25 levels;
Cloud Data
Login with google, and your level data would be saved automatically.