This app Calculate Arc Length,Angle,Radius,Cord Length,Depth,Tangent,Sector Area
This app is build to Calculate followings:
Arc Length
Arc Radius
Arc Angle
Arc Cord Length
Arc Tangent height
Arc Depth
Arc Sector Area
Arc Segment Area
In this app Arc Angle and Arc Radius is used as input.
angle is used in Degree for Calculation.
How to use this App : After welcome screen you will see home page where all menu are provided for various arc calculators. just select your arc calculator option then you will go to input page where input required for this tool is mentioned after giving input hit calculate button that will show show result page having all output data of this calculator.
This app is Very useful in fabrication Field. it required to calculate all arc calculation when we are doing Marking or we had required to calculate dimension while studying Engineering Drawings.
It is very helpful in Process Equipment fabrication, Piping, Engineering Drawings, Pressure Vessels fabrication, Heat Ex-changer Fabrication, Machining Process.