Windmill LiveWallpaper DevSupp

1.1 بواسطة Davide Nabais

Windmill LiveWallpaper DevSuppحول

خلفية حية بسيط يضم المشجعين الدورية.

Simple live wallpaper featuring rotating fans.

The user can select:

- the background color

- the number of fans

- ground height offset

- the fan scale

If the fans are floating above the ground, there is also a slider setting to adjust their height, even though on most phone that shouldn't be necessary.

N.B.: The payed version and the free version are exactly the same

معلومات أكثر ل تطبيق

احدث اصدار


Android متطلبات النظام



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Windmill LiveWallpaper DevSupp البديل

احصل على المزيد Davide Nabais
