لم افتقد شيئا؟ تذكر تساعدك لا ننسى الاشياء الهامة الخاصة بك
Remember help you remember your important stuff .
Did I miss something ? . Surely you've ever done this question to start a journey , preparing for a day of fishing , organizing your favorite sport , ordering the backpack from school, or in many other situations .
With an example will better understand how it works Remember.
Let's assume that we wish to perform a series of checks each time you start a trip , to make sure we do not forget anything.
Next we see the list Travel to alleged checks:
1. Cut the light
2. Closing the gas
3. Close the water
4. House and car keys
5. Airline Tickets
6. Turn alarm
7. Talking with neighboring
Before starting a journey, open Remember , we initiated a check and after selecting the Journey, press Start to begin the process.
The apps sequential start a tour to the items listed in the list and present a dialogue with each item.
Each dialogue we can respond to those aspects Verified pressing proven , Jump for those who currently can not check or Cancel to abandon temporarily the testing process , we can resume later .
Each verification process will be recorded with date and time , so that at any time after we review all checked items for the trip and make sure that nothing is forgotten .