Hacker KWGT

1.1 بواسطة Attified Designs

Hacker KWGTحول

حزمة KWGT القطعة تحت عنوان هاكر

Disclaimer: This app requires KWGT and a KWGT Pro Key (Paid) to work and is not a standalone app. So before the negative rating, we request that you install the following apps.

1.) KWGT : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widget

2.) KWGT PRO KEY : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widget.pro

○ This widget pack includes 5 main widgets that are built in a modular manner to cover your screen with important information about your phone statistics.

○ The KWGT widgets shows phone info like Time, date, weather, storage, battery, connectivity.

○ It also has a music player widget.

○ This app does not teach you how to hack nor is related to any hacking. This is a personalization widget app.

○ More widgets will be added to this pack in future.

معلومات أكثر ل تطبيق

احدث اصدار


Android متطلبات النظام


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Hacker KWGT البديل

احصل على المزيد Attified Designs
