Ganesh Puja Advanced

1.1 بواسطة Swami Satyananda Saraswati

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Ganesh Puja Advanced is a brand new expansion from the original Beginner Ganesh Puja, adding many new stotrams, like Ganeshashtakam and Ganesh Sahasranam, both the list of names for homa and the stotram for japa. It is recommended for all devotees of Ganesh.

Book is presented with original Sanskrit mantras (in big and clear font), a Romanized phonetic transliteration, and a complete English translation. Total pages 326.

About Author:

Esoteric knowledge of Divine worship (puja), which was once only in hold of elite Indian priests, is now made available by Swami Satyananda Saraswati to all sincere seekers of Truth. Who else can better explain this other than a man who moved from West to East, lived there for more than 20 years learning and practicing Divine worship, and then return to the West with his Self-realized guru Shree Maa to share this eternal knowledge with us all.

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احصل على المزيد Swami Satyananda Saraswati
