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This book includes the life stories of all the Prophets mentioned in the Qur'an
History of the Prophets (1-2 parts)
Osman Nuri TOPBASH
about the Prophet Adamea (aleikhisalsam), before whom the angels bowed ...
about the Prophet Idrisà (Aleihissals), whom the inhabitants of heaven admired ...
about the Prophet Nuh “(aleikhisalsalam), in which the earth was cleansed by a flood of unbelief ...
about the Prophet Hudgeh (aleikhisalsam), in which hurricanes demolished the refuge of the infidels ...
about the Prophet Salih “(aleikhisalyam), in which an earthquake overthrew the houses of the wicked and depraved ...
about the Prophet Ibrahim— (aleikhisalsalam), thanks to trust in the Lord and whose humility, the fire of Nemrud turned into a flower bed of roses ...
about the Prophet Ismailÿ (aleikhisalsalam), a model of sincerity, devotion, hope and humility, whose history is remembered annually by all pilgrims and will be remembered until the Day of Judgment ...
about the Prophet Ishakezh (aleikhisalsalam), the forefather of the Prophets of the tribe of the sons of Israel ...
about the Prophet Luthezh (aleikhisalsalam), the sad Prophet Sodom and Gomorrah, swallowed up by the earth for their exceptional shamelessness and arrogance ...
about the Prophet Zulkarnayney (Aleikhisalsam), who carried the flag of monotheism from east to west ...
about the Prophet Yakubezh (aleikhisalsalam), an example of fatherly love, a model of patience ...
about the Prophet Yusuf (aleikhisalsalam), a hero of incredible adventures: selling into slavery, loneliness in prison, a foreign land, slander, libel, intrigue, threats, abstinence from food and education of nafs, and, finally, a wonderful reign in Egypt and in the hearts of people; A prophet whose beauty overshadowed the moonlight ...
about the Prophet Shuaybey (aleikhisalsalam), penetrating the hearts with his speeches and nicknamed Khatibul-anbiya (Orator of the Prophets) ...
about the Prophet Musez (Aleikhisalsalam), the owner of a wonderful staff, who cast the silly and arrogant pharaoh into the abyss of the Red Sea ...
about the Prophet Haruney (aleikhisalsam), the righteous brother of Musa (aleikhisalsam), who helped him everywhere and always ...
about the Prophet Daudea (aleikhisalsalam), bewitching with his psalms stones, mountains, forests and wild animals ...
about the Prophet Suleimaney (aleikhisalsalam), whose heart was not possessed by his great kingdom, nor his countless treasures ...
about the Prophet Uzayr (Aleikhisalsalam), resurrected a hundred years after death, who set an example of resurrection on the Day of Judgment?
about the Prophet Ayyubi (aleikhisalsalam), a model of deep reflection and a hero of patience ...
about the Prophet Yunusezh (aleikhisalsalam), with his passionate pleas for forgiveness, prayers and commemoration of the Lord, who has reached the innermost truths and has overcome the three-layer darkness ...
Peace be upon the Prophet IlyasuE (aleikhisalsalam), in communion with God, attaining His mercy and grace ...
To the Prophet Alyasazh (aleikhisalsalam), ascended over the worlds ...
To the Prophet Zulkiflu, (aleikhisalsalam), a righteous man endowed with divine mercy ...
To the Prophet Lukmanuy (aleikhisalsam), a wise man from the sages, who became a legend thanks to his wise instructions ...
To the Prophet Zakariyeh (aleikhisalsalam), a victim of injustice, sawn alive, but not even saying “ah!” And keeping hope in the Lord and humility before Him ...
To the Prophet YahyeD (aleikhisalsalam), like his father Zakariyya (aleikhisalsalam), who died the death of a martyr for his faith ...
To the Prophet Ishezh (aleikhisalsalam), whose distinctive quality was the cleansing of the soul, the healing of the sick and the resurrection of the dead, according to the will of the Lord; Ise - the inhabitant of heaven ...
In a word, of all the legends about the Prophets and their peoples, we tried to present a diamond placer of wisdom that can explain and heal the internal diseases and problems of modern man. To the best of our modest capabilities and, using the limited possibilities of the word, we tried to show that this whole continuous chain of precursors was intended to prepare the way for the arrival of the perfect Prophet, the grace of the worlds,
who revealed the light of Truth, the embodied mystery of being, the essence of the essences, of the Prophet Muhammadai (sallallahu aleikhi wa sallam) ...
Help and assistance is only from Allah.
Osman Nuri TOPBASH
03/01/2004 - Istanbul
Translation from Turkish
A. Kasumov, A. Saleev
Translation made from the original:
Osman Nuri Topbaş
Nebiler Silsilesi - 1 İstanbul.
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Lebron Desh Syra
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