complete works of Sherlock Hol

23.0 by Tara ebooks
2021年04月26日 旧バージョン

complete works of Sherlock Holについて


this application has all the ebook by sherlock holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, some of the major ebooks are as follows

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

The Return of Sherlock Holmes

His Last Bow

The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes, a fictional character created by the Scottish writer Arthur Conan Doyle. The prototype for the modern mastermind detective, Holmes first appeared in Conan Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet, published in Beeton’s Christmas Annual of 1887. As the world’s first and only “consulting detective,” he pursued criminals throughout Victorian and Edwardian London, the south of England, and continental Europe. Although the fictional detective had been anticipated by Edgar Allan Poe’s C. Auguste Dupin and Émile Gaboriau’s Monsieur Lecoq, Holmes made a singular impact upon the popular imagination and has been the most enduring character of the detective story.

A Study In Scarlet

The Sign of the Four

The Hound of the Baskervilles

The Valley of Fear

this ebook epub and audiobook has all the major features that it should have like book at night or day with white and black background

3.bookmarks your favorite chapters

5.chapter wise reading

6.inbuild dictionary

7.diffrent styles

8.all ebooks at one application

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Putu Reynaldi

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